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From GPS4Life4U

Nevertheless Success

Today I want to encourage you with a teaching from the life of an amazing vessel of God- Nehemiah. His story is a familiar one to many. However, for the sake of those who do not know about Nehemiah, I ask your patience as I try to give a quick synopsis

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On Balance

Backstory: Recent Sunday school question: Where do we find the proper balance between trusting God and making wise plans for our future? ​ Balance is a topic that is often discussed today. Given the fast pace and hectic schedules that many people find themselves juggling, obtaining balance in our lives

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Weighing in on Sin- Part 2

Weight Watchers has a weigh-in day- suggested once a week. Midweek or Wednesday is thought to be a good day to weigh in. ​ The weigh in can be an ambivalent time especially if you haven’t been following your plan well. So it is with our Christian journey. In order

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8 Strategies for Success against Sin

1.) Remember your Relationship w/ God whose you are and be glad: The joy of the Lord is our strength -Nehemiah 8:10. 2 Cor 5:17- new creation, Rom 8:1- no condemnation – Our Identity is defined by who God created us to be and the purpose he designed for our

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Weighing In on Sin

Romans 6:1 states, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?               This was a controversial statement in Paul’s day and continues to spark debate in the 21st century. The misinterpretation of this scripture resulted in the following

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At a Day’s End

In last’s week’s Monday Meditation, we took an interesting look at death using punctuation marks as a point of reference. We were reminded that death for the believer is more of a transition; like a comma instead of being a state of finality as signified by a period. However, to

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The Resurrection of Lazarus

In this week’s Union Gospel Press Sunday School lesson, we studied the resurrection of Lazarus. This biblical account carries a certain degree of intrigue and mystery. Death is a subject that makes most people feel uncomfortable and awkward. Perhaps, this is attributed to the many unanswered questions surrounding what occurs

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Laughter is Good Medicine

If you have felt like things have been a bit intense lately, today’s Monday Motivation should be just what the doctor ordered. Today let us review laughter and its benefits.Some of the health benefits of laughter include promoting creativity, enhancing mood, improving memory, increasing blood oxygenation, regulating blood pressure, and

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Breaking Free

Breaking Free from the “Crazy We Know” Cycles in our Life  See Exodus 1:8-22. Despite the horrific situation in Egypt, the Israelites believed they would be better there than in the wilderness merely a few weeks after their exodus from Egypt.                  

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Phillipians Pearls – Forgiveness

Forgiveness Teaching Notes:  Forgiveness defined: Merriam Webster: 1. To cease to feel resentment against an offender- pardon. 2. To give up resentment of or claim to requital or to grant relief from payment of- more of pop psychology definition, not true biblical forgiveness  Three Types of forgiveness:  Unilateral, Transactional/Complete and

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