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God Provides Solutions for Life for You




Weighing in on Sin- Part 2

Written Lesson from GPS4Life4U

Weight Watchers has a weigh-in day- suggested once a week. Midweek or Wednesday is thought to be a good day to weigh in.

The weigh in can be an ambivalent time especially if you haven’t been following your plan well. So it is with our Christian journey. In order to stay on track and gauge your progress, it is important to regularly weigh in on sin. Sin is anything that displeases God and does not line up with His word. It is not simply the behaviors or thoughts that torment others but you seem to have no problem in that area. It is those areas that you somehow want to justify, rationalize, and often will do so by comparing yourself with others instead of the standard that does not change, and that is God’s word.

Think about the last time when God was speaking to you about a habit, pattern, behavior He wanted you to modify but you were not at a place of surrender. I suspect it was like the day you knew you were to weigh in on your weight loss progress, but because you hadn’t been following the plan, you skipped the weigh-in. Ignorance is not bliss and does not allow us to achieve our goals in the natural or the spiritual. The weigh-in reminds us what’s working and what is not. Keeping short accounts by regularly weighing in, allows us to face the truth, which is the only way we ultimately can be free. Refusing to weigh in on sin reveals we are not ready to make the necessary adjustments to walk in victory in an area where we struggle. The longer we wait to weigh in the further we position ourselves from the ultimate goal.

