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Breaking Free

Written Lesson from GPS4Life4U

Breaking Free from the “Crazy We Know” Cycles in our Life 

See Exodus 1:8-22. Despite the horrific situation in Egypt, the Israelites believed they would be better there than in the wilderness merely a few weeks after their exodus from Egypt.                     (See Exodus 17:3) 

This was the crazy they knew. Unfortunately, like Israel, in our natural minds, we can be deceived into thinking that dysfunctions in our lives in the form of abuse, neglect, toxic relationships, addiction is more favorable and comfortable than the unknown which often evokes greater fear.  

Scriptural illustration:  

Proverbs 26:11  states- As a dog returneth to his vomit,so a fool returneth to his folly( evil, wickedness, lewd behavior, criminal or tragically foolish actions) 

Yet, recidivism, repeat offense patterns are seen in alarming rates in released prisoners, Drug overdosage rates, DWI convictions, Domestic violence, Repeat abortions, just to name a few. 

Why do we embrace the crazy we know? 

See Romans 7:15-25.Paul state it this way – “But what I hate, that I do.”vs 15b; Vs. 18 There is no good thing in the flesh. 

Romans 8 :6 reminds us that the carnal minds results in death but the spiritual mind yields life and peace. 

Having the mind of Christ is crucial to our victory!  

Proverbs 14:12- There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but thereof are the ways of death. 

*Furthermore, you can’t do right with a do wrong mind. 

Practical Helps noted in scripture: 

Romans 12:2 Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Don’t conform to the world and give into the external pressures of life. Instead allow God to transform you from the inside out by doing the following: 

  1. Commune with God thru prayer 
  2.  Purpose (be intentional) to study and meditate on God’s word. 
  3.  Be a doer, not just a hearer of God’s word .(Put the word into practice) 
  4.  Cast down imaginations of your mind that don’t line up with God’s word. ( 2 Cor 10:5) 
  5. Praise your way thru until you get to where God is taking you! 

Remember your mind is willing but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41) Mind must be transformed to transform behavior! 

How to break the shackles of the crazy we know cycles and walk in Freedom: 

  1. Recognize and identify the problem. Take ownership and don’t be too proud to ask for help. 
  2. Repent and release the struggle to God. Make a decision for new management thru Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are far more capable than you could ever be. 

Be alert concerning the tricks of the enemy. He is like a roaring lion wanting to devour you. 1 Peter 5:8. The enemy comes but to kill steal and destroy. John  10:10a 

Lose the excuses and remember everything that is permissible is not beneficial to    you                       (1 Cor 10:23)- eg: Pork may not be forbidden by God, but it is not beneficial to consume too much if you have hypertension or Excessive sugar intake and carbohydrates not advisable when you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes. 

    3. Remember God has provided an escape route for every temptation                    (1 Cor 10:13) 

Simply put: Don’t stay in a burning building ! Look for your Exit signs 

     4. When God delivers you from sin/stronghold, it is important to replace w/ something to edify/glorify God. Don’t let demons see your house swept clean and empty, therefore allowing them to return with even stronger demons making the situation worse than it was in the original state. (See Matthew 12:44 and Luke 11:25) 

So examine your spiritual emptiness/void and be:  

a) Filled with the Spirit- (See Galatians 5:16) 

b.) Then be filled with the word of God. 

c.) Be a doer of the word.-  Obedience is better than sacrifice. (See 1Sa 15:22) and partial obedience =Disobedience 

d.) Choose Joy (a fruit of the Spirit) over happiness and desire to become more holy than happy. 1Peter 1:16 says “Be Holy because I am Holy. 

e.) Understand your worth is determined by whose you are. It is not in who you are, what you’ve done or haven’t done or where you came from or who you were born to or what others say or think about you. (Psalm 139:14 )declares you are fearfully and wonderfully made.) 

f.) Detach from unholy alliances/ Unevenly yoked intimate relationships, (See 1Cor 6:14), including grumblers/complainers  See Phil 2: 14-15)), toxic people- who are  only interested in being  present for the party but never there for your pain, or those who never apologize, tolerate you only but don’t celebrate you and are seldom concerned about your well being or helping you be all God has planned for you to be. 

Unholy alliances help perpetuate the crazy you know cycle 

g.) Finally, but not least in any way- Want Jesus more than Anything! 

See Natalie Grant song- More than Anything 


Help me want the Healer, more than the healing 

Help me want the Savior, more than the saving 

Help me want the Giver, more than the giving 

Oh help me want you Jesus, more than anything! 

May this song be our hearts cry and also let us be grieved by anything that grieves the heart of God. If we do this and love the Lord with all our heart, souls and strength and then love our neighbor as ourselves,(Matthew 22:37,39) we can surely have victory and break free from the Crazy We Know cycles that have restricted our growth in God and witness for the kingdom. 

May these pearls of wisdom give you spiritual food for the days and weeks to come and strengthen you in the power of His might. 

Grace and Peace, 
