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God Provides Solutions for Life for You




8 Strategies for Success against Sin

Written Lesson from GPS4Life4U

1.) Remember your Relationship w/ God whose you are and be glad:

The joy of the Lord is our strength -Nehemiah 8:10. 2 Cor 5:17- new creation, Rom 8:1- no condemnation – Our Identity is defined by who God created us to be and the purpose he designed for our life . Refute lies of the enemy b/c you are fearfully and wonderfully made( Psalm 139:14) Greater is He than he who is in the world  (1John 4:4)- Apple of His eye-( Zech 2:8)

2.)Take Responsibility/ ownership of the attitudes  your own heart and actions- repent- Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me-Psalm 51:10, Psalm 139: 23-24 ask the Lord to search me-In Luke 6:45, Jesus says that people can be judged by what they say and do because these things reveal what is really inside the person: “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” If you want to know what is on the inside of a person, you simply watch his actions; listen to what comes out of his mouth on a regular basis. This is not being judgmental; this is being realistic.

3.) Reprogram Purge Sinking thinking:  (Upgrade, empty – can’t receive new or ne not compatible w/o upgrade)

Romans 12:2-Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will know what is good and pleasing to him-

“Casting down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the Kingdom of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5- The enemy is a master of deception and can present to you thoughts and feelings that seem so real. 

a. Understand that you are bought with a price and should no longer a slave to sin but of righteousness – Romans 6: 11-22

b. Actions speak louder than words-If you love me…..John 14:15

4.) Reflect on the goodness of God- forget not all His benefits(Psalm 103:2). Furthermore, God is faithful and a good, good father- he wants you to succeed. He has a great plan for you Jeremiah 29:11-Not fail- but hope and a future.

a. You are the head and not the tail; above and not beneath. (Deut 28:13), more than a conqueror (Rom 8:37)God gave Jesus that we might have life in abundance-Jn 10:10 because He is a  good Shepherd and Very present help in the time of trouble.(Psalm 46:1)-For every temptation there is a means of escape- 1Cor 10:13- sometimes like GPS (global positioning system)in car, we need to revert to a godly positioning strategy

5.)Read and Study God’s word-Study to shew thyself approved(2 Timothy 2:15)-As we read God’s word, it reads us also to help you understand the nature of God and help you better identify strategies if the devil. Similar to film study used by football teams. However, don’t discount the importance of introspective. This is huge!

6).Readiness for battle

Stand! Ephesians 6:11- or you’ll fall for anything

Put on the full armor of God- (Ephesians 6:13-17)

7. )Refrain from unholy alliances-Watch your associates and company you keep.

    Do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers (2Cor 6:14)

    How can two walk together ….(Amos 3:3)

    Iron sharpens iron- partner with heavy metals –(Proverbs 27:17)

8.) Resist the Devil-Purpose to obey God:

Submit yourselves then, to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

(James 4:7)-(Talk about how resistance bands work in exercise)- Build spiritual muscles!

Obedience is better than sacrifice and reflects our love for God. – If you love me…

John 14:15

Remember God has prepared us and given us the tools we need to triumph over sin; essentially by receiving the finished work that Jesus did on the cross and staying connected to Him- the true vine that you might bear fruit that will last.